Our Co-Conspirators
We are thrilled and honored that 10 of our friends + 8 adorable kids (get ready for an attack of cuteness!) will be joining us in our wedding party. They are all amazing people and fantastic friends. We can't thank them enough for being our attendants!
Grace's Attendants
Jenn Crittondon, West Coast brunch companion + Instigator of fun
Sarah Elaman, BFF since 8th grade + Knower of all embarrassingly nerdy stories
Jacqueline Rudas, Grad school BFF + Fellow Do-gooder
Kristen Stivers, Bookclub buddy + Witness of the night Grace + Kenny met
Elayne Wesley, Fellow former social innovation escapee + Only person to make Grace use phone
Jessica Winquist, East Coast bestie + Workday distraction
Kenny's Attendants
Mike Davie, Former roommate + World-class "(do the) Hustle" dancer
Eddie Escobar, Fraternity brother + The official grown-up
Jeff Hinkledey, Co-conspirator of Track 3 Domination + future sports bar co-owner
Zach Klein, Law school sherpa + Whiskey aficionado
Geoff Lee, Fraternity brother + Wiffle ball champion
Adorable Attendants
Jada Boone, Jr. Bridesmaid
Kai'Lianna Boone, Flower Girl
Jackson Dawkins, Ring bearer
Zakiyah Houston, Jr. Bridesmaid
Ava Louis, Flower GIrl
Emelia Louis, Flower Girl
Macen Park, Ring bearer
Chloe Onyechi, Flower Girl